Registration open for Transportation Bonanza

logoThe Michigan Association of Planning, in partnership with the Michigan SRTS program will host the 8th annual Transportation Bonanza in Lansing on December 1st. This year’s theme, “Building Together: Building Bridges” will focus on the complexities of transportation policy and planning, exploring more efficient ways to communicate and collaborate on projects. The day long conference is for professional planners, local decision makers, elected government leaders, school board members, school officials, health professionals, state agency representatives, and urban planning, engineering, and design students. The conference will focus on interactive sessions, with the Keynote Luncheon featuring Dr. Julian Agyeman, professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. Won’t you join us?

When: December 1st, 2016 from 8:00am to 4:30pm

Where: The Lansing Center

Early Bird Registration: $70 ($90 after November 22nd)

Early Bird Student Registration: $35 ($55 after November 22nd)

View the registration brochure and schedule here.

Register online here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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