Looking for an opportunity to give back and make change in the New Year? This January, join the Americorps Urban Safety Project and Safe Routes to School for a “board up” day in Honor of Martin Luther King’s birthday. Work with other volunteers to clean up trash, board up empty homes, trim and clean up yard growth, and generally make the routes students walk safer and free of hazards.
January 13, 2017: MLK Day Part 1 – Thurgood Marshall Board Up (10 Homes to be boarded)
January 16, 2017: MLK Day Part 2 – Communication and Media Arts (CMA) and Edison Elementary Board Up (30 Homes to be Boarded and Safe Routes Implemented)
To register for a board up day or to get more information, please contact visit here or contact BreAnna Lockhart.
We hope to see you there! Let’s do some good in the New Year.