FY2027 Local Safety Call for Projects

MDOT's Local Agency Federal Aid Program. Image of the state of Michigan with green and orange bands with the works on them of developmen and construction.

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) announced the solicitation of applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2027 Local Safety Program. This includes the Highway Safety Improvement (HSIP), Highway Safety Improvement (HSIP) Systemic, and High-Risk Rural Road (HRRR) programs. The unit also administers projects that local agencies have obtained Transportation Alternatives (TA) funds for selected Safe Routes to Schools projects and other enhancement grant funded projects, such as nonmotorized pathways and streetscapes

Information about funding and the application process may be found on the Special Funding Program page.

We recommend reviewing the FY 2027 Call for Projects and the FY 2027 Local Safety CFP exhibit eligibility requirements to get started.

Previously funded projects are linked under the Selected Projects section.
Applications are due Thursday, May 1 before 11:59 p.m.

Questions? Contact Local Safety Program Engineer Jackie Pethers at PethersJ1@michigan.gov.

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