Bike & Roll to School Day

2023/05/03 08:00:00

Countdown to Bike & Roll to School Day 2023!

bike and roll to school day logo with I picture of biking and O picture of wheel

National Bike & Roll to School Day (BR2SD) highlights community, safety, and health. It provides an opportunity for schools to build off the energy of National Bike Month, held each May, and the popularity of International Walk to School Day.


This past May, schools across the state registered and participated in National Bike & Roll to School Day (BR2SD). According to the registration records, Michigan placed fifth nationally for the number of events hosted during BR2SD. Congratulations to all and thank you for helping Michigan continue to be recognized as a leader nationally in the SRTS movement.

BR2SD provides an opportunity for schools to build off the energy of National Bike Month and the popularity of International Walk to School Day while highlighting community, safety, and health.

If you haven’t yet, we invite you to share your BR2SD experience with us by posting photos on social media. Be sure to tag @MichiganFitness and @MichiganDOT and use the hashtag #saferoutesmi so we can see your photos and celebrate your success.


For tips to make your next walk/bike activities safe and enjoyable, MDOT offers the following pedestrian/bicyclist safety tips:

  • Plan your route.
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
  • Stay visible. Wear light and bright-colored clothing.
  • Stay alert. Enjoy time away from the phone.
  • Children can ride their bicycle on the sidewalk. If riding in the street; please ride with traffic, obey all traffic laws, and use proper hand signals.
  • When possible, cross at a crosswalk. Only cross when safe to do so. Make eye contact with the drivers and make sure all cars have stopped before crossing.

It’s never too early to plan your next BR2SD. “How to Plan a B2SD Event” offers guidance to help you plan your next event and offers tips about how to best engage your community.

For more BR2SD information and event planning ideas, visit the  Walk, Bike & Roll website.

For questions about the event, email Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator Adam Jenks or call 517-908-3816.

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