Pedestrian Safety Resources

Pedestrian Safety Resources

Classroom Curricula:

  1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Curricula Guide: Considerations for selecting a bicycle and/or pedestrian safety curriculum
  2. Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum (NHTSA): Curriculum, Assessment, and Teacher’s Guide covering grades K-1, 2-3, 4-5
  3. Iowa Kids on the Move: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Curriculum: Grades K-6
  4. Neighborhood Navigator: Curriculum along with skills practice, grades K-3, 4-5, 6-8

Parent and Caregiver Guides:

  1. For elementary and preschool parents and caregivers: Prevent Pedestrian Crashes: Parents and Caregivers of Elementary School Children
  2. Teaching Children to Walk Safely (National Center for Safe Routes to School): Parent and caregiver guide to skills-based teaching strategies

Pedestrian Safety Handouts & Activities:

  1. Pamphlet with essential points: A Kids Guide to Safe Walking
  2. Safety Game: Get to School (And Back Again) Safely Game
  3. Pledge (NHTSA): Youth Pledge

Pedestrian Safety Information and Tips:

  1. Everyone is a Pedestrian (NHTSA): Clearinghouse of Pedestrian safety materials, tip sheets, guides, and links to curriculum
  2. Safer Journey (NHTSA): Student videos discussing skills for safe walking. One each for ages 5-9, 10-14, 15-18
  3. Pedestrians (NHTSA): Fact sheets and reports

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Information:

  1. National Center for Bicycling and Walking 
  2. Operation Lifesaver: Rail Safety Education
  3. Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center

Spanish, Arabic, and Asian Language Pedestrian Safety Resources

  1. Materials for Hispanic Pedestrians & Bicyclists
  2. Prevent Pedestrian Crashes: Parents and Caregivers of Elementary School Children (Arabic)
  3. Asian Languages Pedestrian Safety Information (Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese)

Additional Resources

  1. America Walks
  2. American Council of the Blind-Pedestrian Safety
  3. Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center
  4. Walkable and Livable Communities Institute
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