Bicycle and Pedestrian Terminology Booklet

Author name: Colleen Synk

collage of four images of active transportation infrastructure in the background MDOT logo and Bicyclist and Pedestrian Terminology text overlaid

Bicycle and Pedestrian Terminology Booklet

How do you tell the difference between a cycle track and a sidepath? Which one is pictured above? The answer might not be so obvious. We recommend downloading the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bureau of Transportation Planning’s newly updated Bicycle and Pedestrian Terminology: A Guide to Active Transportation Infrastructure.  The booklet is a great resource to reference when creating […]

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MDOT logo of survey monkey with green background

MDOT Complete Streets Survey

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is in the process of aligning its Complete Streets policy with its mission to serve and connect people, communities, and the economy through transportation. In their quest for alignment and to update the current policy, they are seeking public input using an online Complete Streets survey. The survey is available and open

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Square graphic with teal background and light teal grid lines around an images of a woman with shoulder length brown hair in a white-button-up- collared shirt with a pink flower on it. Text on the left reads "Welcome (Safe Routes to School logo) Intern Froogh"

Welcome Froogh Sadry!

This month we welcomed Froogh Sadry to our team as the Safe Routes to School Intern. She recently graduated with a Master of Public Health from Wayne State University. Before joining us, she was serving her community as a Michigan Fitness Foundation  AmeriCorps Safe Routes to Health member at Corewell Health System. She is passionate about healthy equity, especially when

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Event logo which consists of bands of color coming from a scooter, walker, biker, car, and bus

Transportation Bonanza 2024: Save the Date

Save the Date February 15, 2024 | In Person Format Join professionals from the fields of planning, education, transportation, health, engineering, natural resource and environmental protection, architecture, and landscape architecture for a day of training and connection focusing on active transportation and Safe Routes to School.  Transportation Bonanza 15 will be held in person at Eagle Eye

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Students, some with and without umbrellas, cross at crosswalk with crossing guard on a raining morning at Sycamore Elementary

Fall Pedestrian Safety

Fall is an important time of year for more pedestrian safety awareness and extra pedestrian safety measures with Pedestrian Safety Month, Halloween, and Daylight Savings Time all happening this time of year. National Pedestrian Safety Month Every October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. During National Pedestrian Safety Month, we can all do our part to educate

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