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Students, some with and without umbrellas, cross at crosswalk with crossing guard on a raining morning at Sycamore Elementary

Fall Pedestrian Safety

Fall is an important time of year for more pedestrian safety awareness and extra pedestrian safety measures with Pedestrian Safety Month, Halloween, and Daylight Savings Time all happening this time of year. National Pedestrian Safety Month Every October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. During National Pedestrian Safety Month, we can all do our part to educate [...]

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A photo of 4 kids riding their bike and it is written "Walking and biking can help students arrive"

Back to School

Back to school is a great time for your students to begin new routines. We recommend including tips for students to get to school using active transportation in your return to school plan. In addition to highlighting the importance of daily physical activity, inspiring your students to use active transportation to get to school includes the following benefits: Students show up to school ready to

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Walk & Roll to School Day banner at the top with has a walker in the "L" of Walk and a wheel in the "O" of Roll. There is graphic of a trail with wheel and foot prints that has orange fall leaves on the edges and text at the bottom that says" Show how you roll, and join us on October 4, 2023"

Walk & Roll to School Day

Michigan is joining states across the nation on Wednesday, October 4 to promote Walk & Roll to School Day (WR2SD). Every school or community can engage in a wide range of activities, such as recognizing local champions or school groups during the event. WR2SD also offers an opportunity to bring students, parents, and school staff

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Graphic of a scooter, pedestrian, bicyclist, car and bus with lime green, teal, purple, burgundy, and red bands of color behind each mode of transportation, respectively. The text "Transportation Bonanza Call for Sessions" at the bottom.

Call for Transportation Bonanza Sessions

The Michigan Association of Planning Planning Transportation Bonanza Conference Committee is seeking proposals for presentations at the annual Transportation Bonanza on February 15, 2024 at Eagle Eye Golf Course in Lansing. Session proposals should demonstrate exemplary examples and clear learning objectives. Proposals are due August 31. The purpose of Transportation Bonanza is to connect professionals

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Register for Regional Training banner with picture of a group engaged during a past trainings workshop and the training locations and dates listed

Regional Training Registration Open

We are pleased to announce our regional trainings are back and in person. Regional trainings offer us the opportunity to connect, build relationships, and support Safe Routes to School (SRTS) stakeholders across the state. Who should attend? School principals, superintendents, and school transportation officials, city planners, engineers, road authorities, community champions, grant award recipients, and anyone that wants to dive

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black and white image of a laptop, cellphone and an opened notebook with pen with the Michigan Fitness Foundation Logo and the work Careers in caps centered over the image.

Hiring of a SRTS Intern

We are hiring a Safe Routes to School Intern who will support the daily operations of Michigan Safe Routes to School at Michigan Fitness Foundation in our office in Old Town Lansing. The person in this paid position will gain experience by assisting with communications, events, grants, surveys, training and outreach, and school-based bike/pedestrian infrastructure

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