Registered Schools

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SRTS Registered Schools Search
School Name Principal’s Name City
Concord Middle School Tony Hutchins Concord
Coopersville East Elementary Corey DeRidder Coopersville
Coopersville Middle School Dr. Tricia McPheron Coopersville
Coopersville Senior High Brent Hadden Coopersville
Coopersville South Elementary Kelli Nelson Coopersville
Coopersville West Elementary Corey DeRidder Coopersville
Forest Park School District Becky Waters Crystal Falls
Dansville Elementary School Andy Cox Dansville
Dansville Schools Tania Dupuis Dansville
Andersonville Elementary Kim Fletcher Davisburg
Davison Alternative High School TJ Fischhaber Davison
Davison High School Jerry Piger Davison
Thomson Elementary Andrew Criswell Davison
Duvall Elementary Mary Timpf Dearborn
Geer Park Elementary Ron Bukowski (sub) Dearborn
Haigh Elementary School Zachary Short Dearborn
Henry Ford Elementary Lamis Srour Dearborn
Howard Elementary School Mirvat Sabbagh Dearborn
Iris Becker Elementary Zahra Zreik Dearborn
Lindbergh Elementary Zainah Tiba Dearborn
Long Elementary Shannon Peterson Dearborn
Lowrey Elementary/Middle School Rima Younes Dearborn
Maples Elementary Donna Jakubik Dearborn
McCollough Unis Chadi Farhat Dearborn
McDonald Elementary Dr. Moughni Dearborn
Miller Elementary Amal Abdulla Dearborn
Nowlin Elementary Joshua Tynan Dearborn
Oakman Elementary Mahmoud Abu-Rus Dearborn
OL Smith Middle School Zeina Jebril Dearborn
Salina Elementary Sue Stanley Dearborn
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