Submit a Major Grant Application

STEP 1: Review the eligibility and competitiveness details to ensure you have met all eligibility requirements before starting an application.

STEP 2: Obtain an MDOT Grant System (MGS) user ID and password.

  1. Go to State of Michigan Login site
  2. Follow this instructions-  MGS login instructions

Please contact your grant coordinator if you need assistance with obtaining a MGS user ID.

STEP 3:  Complete the eight sections of the TAP-SRTS application online in MGS.

Once you have obtained a MILogin user name and password and have subscribed to MGS, log into MGS and click on the “Create TA Application” link on the left side of the screen to create a TAP-SRTS application.

The application consists of eight sections that are accessed through a series of tabs at the top of the screen.

Each tab (section) must be completed. Note: When you start the application, only the Description tab is accessible. The remaining tabs become available once you have completed and saved the Description screen.

To assist SRTS applicants, we have developed help guides for each tab (section) of the application. These help guides are intended for SRTS applicants only; please consult the MGS User Guide for assistance with other Transportation Alternatives-eligible programs.

  1. Download SRTS help guide for the Description tab
  2. Download SRTS help guide for the Contacts, Narrative, Budget, Schedule, and Environment/Community tabs
  3. LAP Project Planning Guides

 STEP 4: Download, complete, and upload the SRTS supporting document templates.

When Developing a Competitive SRTS Major Grant Application, there are supporting documents that must be submitted in addition to the information captured in MGS.

The Application Completeness Checklist provides an overview of the supporting documents required, which includes such items as your school’s SRTS action plan, your parent and student survey results, maps and photos, and all non-infrastructure funding requests and budget details.

Many of the SRTS Major Grant Supporting Documents have templates which can be downloaded, completed, and uploaded to MGS under the system’s “Documents” tab.


 STEP 5: View the Safe Route to School Application Review Process videos.

The Safe Routes to School Application Review Process Videos provide an overview of what to anticipate and expect as an applicant community from the deadline of an application cycle to a tentative funding decision.

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