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Three student use a multi use path by roller skating, scootering, and biking as they move away from an intersection.

Collaborative Effort Builds Argentine Township Pathway

Over ten years ago, Argentine Township and the Linden, Argentine, Fenton, and Fenton Township Pathways (LAFF) trails group envisioned a multi-community pathway that would connect cyclists across southwest Genesee County. With support from LAFF, Linden Community Schools, and the Genesee County Road Commission, Argentine Township embarked on a planning project for a multi-use trail project.

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banner with a graphic of a map unfolding and text saying Safe Routes to School Action Planning Support Brought to you by Michigan State University

SRTS Action Plan Development Assistance

The MSU School of Planning, Design & Construction (SPDC) and MSU College of Engineering receive grant funding from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) through Michigan Fitness Foundation to assist schools interested in developing a SRTS action plan that includes design and planning alternatives.  Full Action Plan Technical Assistance includes:  Assisting the local school/community with the

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Black boy with blue helmet rides a red bicycle

Back to School

As many students return to school in person this coming school year, there is an opportunity to establish new habits and behaviors that support health and wellness through your SRTS program. The following suggestions can help you lay a supportive groundwork this fall. Promote the community assets, routes, and important features that help make walking and

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banner stating Winter SRTS Ideas with two images one with one student and the other with two students walking through snowy sidewalks.

Winter Safe Routes to School Ideas

Winter is in full swing, which means getting outside to enjoy the wonderful winter activities in our state. You might be asking yourself, “how do we plan for virtual and/or in-person programs to engage our communities during the winter?” In this article, we provide program ideas to keep kids (and parents) excited to walk and

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girl with teal backpack walks away on sidewalk that is bordered by a barn, houses, and trees

Partnerships Build Support for Lenawee Township Project

Building consensus among stakeholders is an important part of any Safe Routes to School (SRTS) project. At Madison School District, former superintendent and community champion, Ryan Rowe played a key role to gain support for their SRTS project with stakeholders that could amplify the project. Rowe understood that planning, application, and construction processes can take

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action planning meeting in school auditorium with stakeholders seating at cafeteria tables before a presentation screen

Lifting-up Engagement

In Michigan, as we continue to adapt our program to meet new needs, we want to note upcoming changes we are adopting and how those changes fit into your community. As of June 2020, the Safe Routes National Partnership announced changes to the 6 Es framework that have long summarized the key components of the

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student exits school bus at school building with masked staff welcoming them.

SRTS Programming when Schools Re-open

As schools look to reopen this fall, we have resources for our partners across the state about how to help students safely walk and bike to school while maintaining social distancing. With your help, we hope to encourage schools to provide safe walking and biking information to families. National experts believe safety measures like walking or biking to school are

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